Apex Pharma Limited

Apex Pharma Limited

Representative: Mr. Syed Nasim Manzur,

Designation: Managing Director

Address: House # 6, Block SE (D),
Road # 137, Gulshan-1,

Phone: +8809863026

Fax: +88028856743

Email: info@apexpharmabd.com

Web: http://www.apexpharmabd.com

Apex Pharma Limited was established in 2002. It is one of thefastest growing pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh, whichis engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of a wide range oftherapeutic drugs like antiulcerants, antibiotics, NSAIDs,antipyretics, vitamins and minerals, cardiovascular drugs, steroids,antispasmodics, antihistamines, antipsychotics and many more.ISO 9001:2008 certified and WHO GMP standard purpose-builtmanufacturing facility of Apex Pharma has separated anddedicated cephalosporin, penicillin and general production unitsfor producing tablet, capsule, injectables, semisolid, liquid andophthalmic formulations with highest quality, efficacy and safety.