DBH Finance PLC

Representative: Mr. Nasimul Baten

Designation: Managing Director

Address: Landmark Building (9th floor),
12-14, Gulshan North C.A.,
Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka-1212.

Phone: +88-02-9882112


Email: [email protected]

Web: http://www.deltabrac.com

Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. is one of the housing finance institutions in the private sector of the country. In 1997, the company has registered commendable growth in creating home ownership among more than 23,000 families in Dhaka and other major cities of the country. The company has been playing an active role in promoting the real estate sector. DBH has been rated the highest ‘AAA’ credit rating showing the financial safety, security and strength of the company. Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. wins the DHL-Daily Star Bangladesh Business Awards, 2013 for Best Financial Institution.