Representative: Mr. Rafiqul Haq
Designation: Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
Address: Sara Aftab Tower, 29 Ring Road (Holding 6/1/A), Shayamoli, Adabor, Dhaka-1207
Phone: 09639667788
Fax: +88029120657
General Pharmaceuticals Ltd (GPL) has stepped into 35th Years of its Excellence in 2022 with lots of inspiration from previous successful years. We are immensely pleased to announce that GPL has started its production in 2011 at the state-of-the-art factory (Unit 2) which is built in compliance with cGMP standards, where people are protected by assuring the highest quality of the products and environment. The state-of-the-art factory is having the most modern ophthalmic & parenteral production facilities, dedicated steroidal & non-steroidal facilities, high tech heating ventilation & air conditioning system (HVAC), SVP & LVP (including Amino Acid) production facilities, effluent treatment plant & incineration process for waste management. Total site area is 29,792 Sqm & building foot print is 14,444 Sqm. The site master plan has been developed by APC, Australia. The state-of-the-art factory is in compliance with UK MHRA, EU-GMP, TGA, ICH, PIC/S. Now GPL is able to export pharmaceutical products into the regulated countries like North America, South America, European countries and Middle East etc. and meeting the local demands.